Friday, March 11, 2005

The Centre

There are continuous sinusoids in my life. Everyone's life, I guess. I say sinusoids because it just feels like a natural state of movement. It’s also got to do with the fact that there’s some constant DC that you can hold on to, when in the throes of such ups and downs. The ones that don’t find this positive direct current, are the ones who bob up, get pulled down, bob up again for a breather, get pulled down again, with each wave that comes at them.
The wave appears to be lashing out at you only if you only if you cannot hold your footing against it. As long as you have something to hold on to, you might actually enjoy even the most threatening of waves. In fact, the bigger they are, the more the thrill. As long as you know you’re safe holding on to something.

That DC is what I call as the centre of my being. As long that’s in place, everything else falls in its place. When that gets displaced due to random noise signals that I give too much importance to, then the size, height, depth of the crest or trough suddenly starts to matter, since I’ve lost sight of my foothold.

That centre has to be kept in sight all the time. Do whatever it takes to do so. Keep your body in good health, eat good food, drink healthy stuff, and that’s usually a big step towards keeping the mind in good health too. And that’s what brings you closer to that complete faith.

Ask children at a beach, swinging wildly between their parents’ firm hands. They’ll tell you how the initial excitement, apprehension, the butterflies in the stomach seeing a BIG wave approaching, finally turns into complete exhilaration when the wave crashes down on you. The loving hands grow tighter in grip, leaving you free to do dare-devilry like swinging your legs up.

You love many things at that moment.

The sheer quantity of water that came crashing down on you, your own tingling excitement that grows with every spray of waves.
The hands that hold you tight, so you can have your share of fun trying to kick higher than the wave.
The feeling of victory when the wave’s dissipated itself and is receding back, bowing down to the strength of your support.
The feeling of implicit faith. Never once thinking that you’re all alone against your troubles, or that the grip might grow weak. No Doubts at all, anywhere.

Two choices that we all have. Thrills, apprehensions. Or Faith.


whitecarnation said...

1) You must've bunked kindergarten when they were teaching you numbers :D
2) It doesn't matter if Noise and Input aren't correlated, what matters is whether any of that displaces your DC to the extent that you can't find it so easily again.
3) The only exciting inputs the outer world can give me are the ones that replenish my DC levels :)
4)If the mean value is more negative than your DC, then you earned that! Face it :) and deal with it. i've noticed that the DC autocorrelates wrt the magnitude and is never below the multisine in magnitude.

Anonymous said...

3 was on one of its low rolls! your words its lost it's foothold...contd later....