Sunday, March 13, 2005

Lotus Feet

There's this song by Shakti, I recently found it when I was looking for something else. It's got to be the best piece I've ever heard. Since I played it yesterday night, it's been playing continuously, it's the only number enqueued, and I must've heard it close to 50 times since yesterday. All of today morning, most of afternoon..

This song moves me to tears. Especially towards the end, when the tabla picks up to a beautiful complexity, in perfect synchrony with the ghatam. All the while the flute carries on with the lilting melody, above these patterns. It's more than lilting melody. It touches something very deep somewhere. There are these songs that make you feel divine presence.This is one of them. No words, only instruments. I don't even know what Raga the song is based on. This one's about how experts can come together to create a masterpiece.

The flute plays continuously in the song, sometimes long mesmerizing notes, other times softly playing around the scale on shorter notes, all the while the tabla and the ghatam show me how deep resounding booms can co-exist with light-hearted taps on the surface. No display of strength. Only of variety. Of patterns. Of synchronicity.

A lot of things I know theoretically, or felt intuitively, but never really felt deeply, swam up to the surface during those wonderful moments. Firstly, this thing about vibes being a universal entity is true. It knows no languages. Physics can't define aura and energy radiance that we each carry, but the ancient texts do. The song has its own vibes, the tree , the dog, the bridge ... they all have their own resonant frequencies. So do people. Some people we resonate best with, are our close friends. Others cancel out our fond beliefs, so we tend to stay away from the likes. The song is based on a raga ( scale) , that's scientifically defined to have a particular effect on the listener. How on EARTH did they classify ragas so accurately? They must've known more about vibes than we can ever fathom ( as long as we hold on to detached scientific objectivity in such things, we'll never fully know - True realization is extremely subjective. No matter how scientifically accurate.)

This song resonated with the core of my being.

When we're mentally connected to the energies around us, we often "see" more than is visible to the 5 senses. It's a beautiful state to be in, events work out, things happen and most importantly, you're at peace even if they don't quite happen your way. Happy to suddenly be in contact with a bigger picture, a larger family. It's one thing to know about such things, it's another story to really experience that for a moment. It's that momentary lump in your throat, when you're with every beat, every note of the song, feeling it in entirety, when you suddenly feel the beauty.


whitecarnation said...

hehe.. I don't know if it's the general effect of that song, or if it's me .. but I'm in the Break-on-through-to-the-other-side phase right now :D

whitecarnation said...

One thing I wanted to tell you, was that beyond a point, I don't look at Quantum physics for answers, because the very perspective of western science is that of detached objectivism, slotting, rationalization,logic, reason. And to apply reason to anything, or logic, you need to have them as a discrete whole. Which, almost certainly never exists. The very act of quantizing complicates the task listing down all the forces that act on the unit, because it entails listing down those forces, finding the proportion to which they affect the unit,the relationship between the forces and their mutual interactions, and so on. We still have the Newtonian approach of segregating the cause and the effect, towards solving Quantum problems. In the world of consciousness, the sum of the parts is always greater than the whole. So beyond a point, it's only intuitive flashes of realization that'll get mankind to unearth the metaphysics and the physics. Intuitive flashes of realization happen only when you're in a moment of connectivity with the bigger picture called life (or God, as one may like it). When you feel the guy walking down the road emitting the same kinda radiance. At that moment,we can at best, add scientific underpinnings to what we've just realized. You need to feel, to understand beyond a point.

whitecarnation said...

oops... I meant.. " In the world of consciousness, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts" .
Not the other way round :D

whitecarnation said...

Thanks Mahesh :)