Monday, January 09, 2006

Birds of a feather

Are there other ways to learn
these lessons that seem familiar
Ones that we've been handed
and taught to look out for?

Are there other birds in the sky?
who venture far and wide
thrilled, in awe of the vastness
in this nothingness.

Or did they stray from the flock
and are now lost, circling the skies
swooping down at all that glitters
yet, searching for their lost self?

For in this maze lies the key
The key to finding the way out
For the joy we dream of
was always just around the corner.

Till the day, the earth gets too heavy
Wings get too tired
and yet, in a supreme effort to rise
suddenly all is light

There are no more corners
just a straight path.

The maze is really a straight path.
No matter how it twists and turns.
The key is here. Right now.


The Furobiker said...

nice one...

whitecarnation said...

Abhishek, Thanks!

Loonie, darling, I think your creativity is larger than any nonsense you face. You just LET it get to you.
Sure thing, this week, when i'm not under a truckload of work :), get on to GTalk.

Wriju said...

Such a simple truth :-)
The Vedas say there is no one path. It is a choice. You have to choose your own path - may be make your own path.